Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sneak sneak sneaky

I have a confession.
I didn't work on my reports last night.
I played instead.
Dotty and spotty...

I love my new ironing board cover!

And that's all I'm showing for today...
I wonder which of the swaps this is for - any ideas?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Huldah Currier

This is the first of the blocks in the Mill Girls Quilt
and it is named after Huldah Currier.

Included with the pattern was a letter she wrote to her 
friends in April 1834.

She talks about loving her job at the mill and being
paid well.

I have to make 4 of these blocks
and so far I'm over half way with the piecing 
of all the little bits.

Hopefully by the end of the week
the 4 blocks will be complete.

Monday, May 20, 2013

A reward

After spending hours on reports on Saturday and then again today,
I rewarded myself with some much needed time
with my beloved sewing machine.

I have another finish and I happy with the result but can't share 
anymore than this because it is for someone else,
but then you all knew that.

Soon this little treasure will be on its way to its new home

Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Friday Night

That was actually Saturday night here down under.

Started off by going to Mass with the kids and then buying them MacDonald's.
I'm a terrible mother - sometimes I bribe my children with food so I can sew.

I plonked myself in front of the t.v and flicked between the football
and shows I had recorded but hadn't watch.

All while doing...

This little festive tea towel and

starting work on this festive decoration to hang from the tree.

Apart from Geelong loosing the footy I had a great night.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Darn Fishpond

Oh online are my enemy and as for that darn Fishpond...

Well this turned up along with 

Oh how I loved this book and have been hanging out for the movie - thank you 
Fishpond for getting it for me (yep I paid for it).
My family knows how much I love movies...
I would save my fabric and craft stuff and then my D.V.D.s in an emergency.
The kids would be busy helping carrying it all out.
So when this was handed to me on Sunday, 
I think there might have been a little squeal.

Hoping this one will be good, has a good cast.

Last but not least...

Oh how I love this movie!  
I made the whole family watch it together on
Saturday night - gee we laughed.
So, if you have never seen it or you have kids or grand kids get yourself
a copy - you won't regret it.
Classic...nothing like our recent mouse hunt here.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Ssssh it's a secret.

Yep a tiny amount of secret sewing has been happening here.

Can't say too much, just in case, but here's a peek.

That's all you get for now.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Sharon and I are partners for Mrs Martin's swap 
and this month it was a Mother's Day theme.
Now, Sharon is one of the most organised people I know as she always has her 
swap items posted well ahead of time and so this present has been sitting here, 
tempting me.

But I didn't give in, I opened it on Mother's Day and was blown away.
Look at all the beautiful things she has sent me, I was so surprised.
Thank you Sharon for your generosity and beautiful gift.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Fat quarter swap

This is what the lovely Sharon sent me for this
month's fat quarter swap.
I love it - thanks Sharon.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

A little bit ...naughty, really.

I love quilts.
I love books.
I love on-line shopping.
Especially from America.
A little browsing has led to this...

Inside it was this book...

And somehow the complete block of the month
for the Mill Girls quilt was also inside the box.


It will one day be very lovely, when it is done.

And now I don't think I should go shopping again,
unless I absolutely HAVE to have it.

Friday, May 10, 2013

My Library

My library continues to grow,
with professional books, fiction works 
and most importantly, craft books.

This little lovely is now living at my house.

It is by Barri Sue Gaudet of Barerrots fame 
and if you haven't had the pleasure of seeing her work,
then do yourself a favour and check her out.

Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Finally finished...

Thank you for listening to me go on and on and on about the aprons for
the Mother's Day stall at school.
I had to let go and pass off 5 to someone else to do - there was no way I was
going to get them done in time.

However...I did get 15 done.

Not a bad effort for a Mum with 3 kids and a full time job
to get done in such a short time
(yes my children were neglected during this time)

And as an added bonus I whipped up some travel tissue pack covers.
Sadly they have changed the packaging and the pattern I have no longer fits
quite right, guess I will have to make some minor adjustments for the next batch.

Well that's Mother's Day taken care of for school...
unless I decide to do something crazy like make something with my class tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Another one

Another parcel was waiting for me when I got home yesterday.
It was the first installment of Vintage Rouge
and will eventually look like this...

Vintage Rouge BOM

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

All good things come to those who wait...

Wait for the postman, that is.

My reward for dragging myself to work today was a little bundle when I got home.

It consisted of these little gems:

Now if only my children would fend for themselves and my job would do itself then I could be doing much more useful and important things, like stitching things from my new collection.

Guess there is always late nights and weekends...

Sunday, May 5, 2013


My FNWF turned into Saturday sewing by myself.

I found this little cuties back in my cupboard.
I really should tidy up and shut the door so she can't get it.

I spent quite some time making the straps for the aprons.
I tried a few different things to make the process quicker, without success.

I think that is 4 straps worth in that pile.
Then it was on to the aprons.

A spotty pocket on one.

And by last night I had 3 blue ones completed
and 2 more pockets stitched on 2 others
and all of the rest cut and ready to sew up the side seams today.
I also discovered that I can't count.
I've been saying there are 18 aprons...turns out there are 20.

Well, I know what I'm doing for the rest of today.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The little card...

I love it when I get home from work
and no one else has checked the letter box,
so out I go and voila!
I find a little card telling me the postie has been 
but hasn't left my parcel.

So to the Post Office I go and stand in line,
patiently waiting...wondering what it is.

This time it was just the most excellent news!

I still have a book to come that is on back order.

This is why I work full time - to fuel my fabric addiction.
I'm stockpiling for when I retire and the money is not so free flowing.
Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Friday, May 3, 2013

A first finish.

 Well I'm off to a good start.
One finish so far for May.

One apron down...17 to go.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Do I have will power?

I got a parcel in the mail.
Inside the parcel there were 2 presents.

One is my fat quarter swap for the month.

The other was my Mother's Day gift for the swap organised by

My partner for the swap is the lovely Sharon and she is
also my fat quarter partner so she was clever
and posted the 2 together - she is also way more organised than
I am - so she will have to wait a little longer for her presents 
to be posted.

Now, do I have the will power to save both for Mother's Day?

Let me know if you think I should open them early or wait and save both for Mother's Day.