Oh online shopping...you are my enemy and as for that darn Fishpond...
Well this turned up along with
Oh how I loved this book and have been hanging out for the movie - thank you
Fishpond for getting it for me (yep I paid for it).
My family knows how much I love movies...
I would save my fabric and craft stuff and then my D.V.D.s in an emergency.
The kids would be busy helping carrying it all out.
So when this was handed to me on Sunday,
I think there might have been a little squeal.
Hoping this one will be good, has a good cast.
Last but not least...
Oh how I love this movie!
I made the whole family watch it together on
Saturday night - gee we laughed.
So, if you have never seen it or you have kids or grand kids get yourself
a copy - you won't regret it.
Classic...nothing like our recent mouse hunt here.