She is 12!
Yep, my little girl is 12 today and it was a double celebration as she was also Confirmed tonight in our Church.
Why is it impossible for 3 children to all smile nicely at the same time so their mother can take a half reasonable shot?
Surely it's not too much to ask for...
#1 decides to rub his nose right as I take the photo - yeah who does that? Apparently 14 year old boys. #2 decides she is not going to smile because her brothers are annoying her on her birthday - now that's a first...and #3, well it's almost impossible to get him to look at a camera, let alone smile properly, so his is too bad...
This was the best they had to offer...what a shocking picture. If they go missing and the police ask me for a recent photo and I hand them this...#1 is telling me something, #3 is looking at something that captured his interest and #2, well it's her birthday and Confirmation and she was cranky at me because I tried to straighten her unruly mop of tangle red curls.
She did pose for this one for her brother - he likes to fiddle (more on that later) and it's not bad.
There was this very nice on of her with the principal of our school - yep, he is my boss.
This one with her sponsor and look, its almost a REAL smile from her...think the nerves were setting in about the reading she had to do.
And then it was all over. Here she is with our Bishop - Christopher Prowse. She took Grace as her Confirmation name. When I asked her why she had chosen Grace, she simply stated that it was because I called her "my saving grace" and at times she is.
She is an amazing girl, growing into and even more amazing young woman. She spoke with such poise and dignity and grace recently at her interview for secondary school. I am so very proud of her.
Love you Miss Mouse - to the moon and back xxx.