Friday, September 7, 2012

Italian Day

All week at school we have been celebrating all things Italian for "Italian Week".  We finished up today with our dress up day.  The kids love it and get very excited. 

For me it was all about making sure baby bears #2 & 3 had the costumes that they wanted.  #2 was easy, she borrowed a top off a friend and went as a soccer player and was happy.  #3, not so easy...Autism rears its ugly head and eventually he decides he wants to be a pizza delivery guy.  OK, that I can manage.

All was good until the parade at the end of assembly.  Again that awful Autism rearing its ugly head as baby bear #3 struggles with the whole social thing and refused to show his t-shirt which was actually a bit of a joke for our Principal as it was about him.  Sadly nobody got to have a good look at the t-shirt and bag but I did manage a photo.

A little blurry - sorry but all I had was my phone

Ah what a little champ he is - despite all of his special needs and challenges he really does make my world a better place and I love him to pieces...and at the end of the day this costume was covered in chocolate gelato, lucky I took the photos before school started.


  1. how handsome he looks,love his smile Claire.xx

  2. LOL...oh Claire I love it......glad he didn't stay did a fantastic job...


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