Monday, August 11, 2014

Slowly but surely

The unpacking of my craft supplies continues.

I had already used one pack of these to mini bolt my
Bonnie and Camille fabrics and ran out,
so I ordered more.  
They arrived late in the week and I had some time
over the weekend to do a bit more fabric wrapping.

That's when I found this;

Wow - never had that before.
I must say I was pretty pleased, the husband, less impressed.
Thank you you made my day.
It was a low volume text print too!


  1. Now why wasn't he I pressed. It's free fabric, doesn't he understand? ;-)

  2. lol thats awesome Clairebear,that doesnt often happen.xx

  3. Good to see you getting into your sewing space. love that bonus.


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