Saturday, May 26, 2012

Friends with Benefits

So I can finally show you all what I made for my 2 lovely partners - Lynn and Laura.  I had so much fun after stressing about what to make.  In the end I made them both journal covers, book marks, portable needle cases (with a D-ring to clip onto so they don't get lost in the bottom of craft bags...), a tea towel apron and a thread catcher.
I also made Lynn a rather large mug rug - though she might use it as something else!

In Laura's parcel I added 3 Easter Bilbies for her boys.  From all accounts they were enjoyed - as chocolate should be by little people.

I loved making 2 new friends - pity though we are too far away for coffee and cake.  I'll have to start saving for a return trip to the States to visit.  Look out girls, I'm coming to visit (in a few years).

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