Friday, March 28, 2014

It's time...

to bring the yarns out again.
Funny how a few cooler nights has me longing for winter.

I am ready for the cooler temperatures, 
that cold sting that slaps your face as you step outside.

Nights snuggled under quilts, thick pj's
and soups.  Mmmm soup.

Enough of that.

This week saw me dig out my crochet hook and begin
(yes I know) another project.
It's OK - school holidays are a week away and 
I promise I will finish one older UFO in that break.
I'm making a blanket and it needs 36
of the circles.  34 to go.

On a different note, overalls have arrived.

Sorry for the shonky photo but the man-child
holding them was being less than co-operative.

He is still in training but they get all the right gear
and he was pretty chuffed yesterday when I got home.

Simple creature...


  1. Your final comment made me laugh!

    If you want the sharp sting of cold on your face. Come over here. Plenty to go around. Spring seems to have buggered off.

  2. I'm with you Claire bring on winter so over the heat and can't wait to get the woollies out. Lots of circles, you will be busy. Bless your man/child at least he did it.

  3. Boy you sure are a busy lady Clairebear that makes the most of every minute,you are amazing my friend,hubby will be very busy in his new role,xx

  4. I agree. I have been looking at patterns and colour charts, too.
    Roll on holidays!

  5. Fantastic! Will be looking forward to seeing what you do with your circles.


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