Thursday, March 13, 2014


Seriously, I don't understand it...
not one little bit.
I keep hearing reports in the media about how
Australia Post is running at a loss and they are thinking
of making people pay to have their mail delivered (isn't that why we buy stamps?),
or that mail will only be delivered every other day.

Sorry but I don't get it.

I mean I have enough mail delivered here to sink a small ship
(mind you a very small ship) and I see
on social media what others have delivered/receive in the mail.

The quilting community is certainly doing their bit for the world economy.

These 4 gems arrived this week alone.

Oh wait a minute - maybe it's my promise to not buy any 
books this term that's had an impact!

Well, I think Australia Post have got it all wrong.
They should be counting the amount of joy they bring with
each and every letter or parcel they deliver.
(Apart from bills - who wants them?)
I know for sure that my happy meter skyrockets
when a parcel arrives, so if they would flip it and look
at the happy factor - they're doing alright.

Just in case you're wondering - the fabric inside the
2 boxes is just delicious!


  1. I agree Claire. Aust Post whinge that people aren't sending mail. What about all those ebay and on line purchases? They are probably making more than ever!

  2. I'll second that, interesting parcels, got my curiosity lol !!!

  3. (a) Why aren't you showing us the fabric. (b) I would post more if it cost less and they would potentially make more money by finding the right pricing point. (c) You aren't buying books?! The publishing world will collapse!!!

  4. Whats in the boxes? Go on show us!! In fact, "you have to tell me or I won't sleep"…. hmmm, wonder where I've heard that before?! hee hee

  5. Good on you Claire for helping keep the economy on the up and up - we really would like to share in your joy and see that fabric.

  6. They certainly make enough out of me,lol.xx

  7. they say the same here in the US but quilters send things all the time

  8. Yep! I agree! I have a path worn out to my post office. Very sweet mail!


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