(be forewarned there is a ‘naughty’ image included in this post that may offend some viewers)
Yes it has been a torrid time here of late. We have been invaded by bugs. GERMY bugs.
There has been snot and lots of it and a little bit of gastro thrown in to the mix as well.
Strangely enough the girls of the house have missed out and it has only been the males that have succumbed to these little nasties – each male worse than the one before and each one knocking on death’s door.
The image below was first shared with me by Jane – our Art Teacher and in the moment of man-flu it is a light hearted look at what they need…
In all seriousness now, they are on the mend and despite still taking medicine the whinging has stopped
This arrived for me during the week all the way from Chicago from the lovely
Natasha, she was my partner for the Sweet Pouch swap. The sweet treats included are long gone – a 3 Musketeer bar and a box of pastel Junior Mints. Yummy!

I made myself a tea towel and the flour sacks are absorbent and fast to dry when wet, not to mention a good size.
I also made some more travel tissue packet covers – thinking that these will be made by the bucket full for our Mother’s Day stall at school this year. They are so quick and easy!
And now this…
Baby bear #3 has suffered from Urticaria for a long time and generally has not been an issue unless his skin was rubbed roughly – the seat belt across his neck is guaranteed to leave a temporary welt, but these…well they have been with us all weekend and of course being the long weekend means no medical treatment so it has been tepid baths and Pinetarsol cream -which he hates. We think that this new bout is different to his other attacks as it has not gone and is spreading without any obvious reason.
It would of course happen the week that I am stuck at school until 6ish both Tuesday and Wednesday due to parent/teacher interviews and Greg goes back to work tomorrow after leave…it is always at the most inopportune times.
Ahh, such is life…