Sunday, August 24, 2014


This angel lives at my school.
She spends a week at a time with someone.
It is all done anonymously - we never know who has given her to us.
At the end of our week we put her into someone else's
pigeon hole, someone who has been an angel to us.

She has just spent a week on my desk.
I have no idea who gave her to me,
let alone what I had done to deserve it, but I was
truly thankful.
I can't really explain how I felt when I opened up
my pigeon hole and found her in there.

It made me feel valued, special and appreciated.

It also drove me nuts - as I wracked my brain trying to figure out
who put her in there.

Then I decided to just enjoy her.

The kids in my class were funny about it.
They know about the angel - she travels a lot.
They kept asking what I had done and who gave it to me.
Their ideas on how she ended up with me were very sweet.

I like seeing the world through the eyes of a child...


  1. That is such a sweet thing to gave at your school and yes, enjoy her xx

  2. Lovely idea and nice to be some ones angel

  3. What a lovely tradition (would you call it a tradition?) this little angel is. That is so special.

  4. what a lovely idea..... you have been blessed this week...

  5. wow thats so special Clairebear,enjoy your blessing my friend.xx

  6. That is so special and such a beautiful idea. Fostering gratefulness, love and appreciation of each other is a wonderful thing. Enjoy your special blessing. I am sure it was truly that your class could find lots of reasons why you did xxx


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